If you have been following the news lately, you may have seen stories about the devastating famine in Somalia. Although the media coverage was below bar or to be fair superficial, the message of the suffering millions reached everywhere. As usual there were mixed reactions and little response to the main issue at hand.
Reactions first, i came across a couple of internet forums where the Somali famine was discussed or for some passed their free time venting their hatred and inhumanity on issues they know little of. Particularly interesting was the common bullshit every kid was talking about. That the famine is sole responsibility of the suffering and that no matter what the world tries to do, it can not be reversed. And then there was the sick jokes about the malnourished children. I don't have space for that now. Why was it to blame them for something natural? I have no idea but it had to do with their many kids and large families. That resonates very well with every one who grew up in the west but its far from the truth. I don't need to explain their weird theories but i wonder why people became so heartless and self-centered. Human life is sacred and its the responsibility of every human to guard that sanctity , protect and save a suffering human in anyway you can. That responsibility was long forgotten and for a few it never existed.
This is not the first famine in this world. The world has experienced devastating famine and disasters all over. Ever heard of the Great Famine just two centuries ago in Ireland and other parts of Europe. Was it because of their large families? of course not. I have experienced and lived disasters myself and i know what it feels like.
The world response was at its worst. The UN refugee agency said less than half of the required aid was delivered. Donations from rich countries was poor. However, a lot was raised through the awareness of Somalis in the Diaspora. But the awareness was not enough. The mainstream media made it any other side story and made sure it gets little airtime. I was reading an article by one of the Aljazeera bloggers on how the famine was almost a non-issue on the social media. I liked one question he paused: “ when will Somalia get its hash tag?” of course it will never get one. Wait. May be if Lady Gaga visits there. That is how low everything on the social media has become.
However, there were many positives and if it would not have been the generous response from ordinary people all over, life would have been a grim reality for many. Many thanks to the Turkish government and people for the generous donations and help.
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